mercredi, juin 27, 2007

in progress

Tuesday 26th June:

Resync'ed salaquatox11.
At least, I think I know how solve conflicts (simple conflicts)
Ismeal progressed a lot, and has a lot of work now :)
Testtool works ( todo : use TPT to see if it works fine in the original bundle)

Wednesday 27th June:

completed salaquatox11
commited last changes. Now ready for QA
X11 build => ok
Aqua build => ok

Started Linux PPC build using aquavcl01
Equations works with aqua ( needs investigations for other shorcuts/accelerators/mnemonics/???)
Forced to use unomacli64 with Linux PowerPC build (thanks Fridrich to have pointed me the good cws)
resync'ed readme4macintel for Shaun and Uwe
commited Uwe changes

Philipp did miracles today : printing starts works with aqua ( printed a photo of my son ).
Too tired -> screenshots tomorrow

lundi, juin 25, 2007

Aqua and Tango icons

Since the resync with m217 (this afternoon), Tango icons are inside :-)

In fact, there is still some problems to use them with aqua build, because they only appear with en-US version, and they are still some metrics issue, but all in all, it looks nice.

Thanks to Jimmac (aka Jakub Steiner ) for his very good work !

In Calc, using the new Chart module
Enable/Disable Native FilePicker in preferences

In Writer

Enable/Disable Native FilePicker in preferences

samedi, juin 23, 2007

Aqua snapshot, one month later

One month ago (already ! ), we proposed development snapshots of Aqua version of What was the context ?

Provide a snapshot was proposed during one of our weekly IRC meetings. To be honest, I firstly was not hot, because we didn't reach alpha state at this time.

But, discussing with some developers, they considered we should show to the Mac users community we really were working on a native version, and what we had at this time. Just not use alpha was the common request.

A bad point was the native filepicker integration : I had to add a hack to add it in the build, because our integration process do not allow us to mix cws, and needs a lot of time and a complex process for code integration.

To proof what I say : it is still not the case today ( one month later .. ). If we are lucky, it will be possible in probably 2 weeks.

And we had to decide what put inside, including the filepicker. I wrote "we", because I didn't decide alone. Please do not believe the opposite.

And frankly, I don't see any reason to regret now : since, a lot of bugs have been fixed, simply because we had an incredible feeedback.

If unsure, please have a look at the current aqua issues list

Please, continue to provide us feedback, even using X11 version !!
(we use the same codebase for Aqua version)

As example, the list issues the Mac porter Team fixed since :

- Impress : animations work now (excepted sound)
- export pdf works now (some remaining issues with arabian locales maybe)
- copy paste works partially (text only )
- 2 instant crashes vanished since new saltimer implementation ( spellchecker and quit )
- native fonts et bundled fonts are now usable -> equations are now correctly displayed, since OpenSymbol is found
- start of native comboboxes (needs work)
- listboxes ( not complete)
- window background uses Aqua theme
- Calc works (white cell issue solved)
- Writer works ( text input ok, space issue ... etc)
- Maths works (excepted braces, to be discussed soon )
- new Chart module is now included (since m214 resync)

We can include in the build (at least I do) native FilePicker, including the possibility to choose native one (allows URLs entries like http:// .. )

For a more complete list of changes, please have a look at Aqua Changelog

Asap, we will provide another snapshot, and we are searching the best way for that (waiting, the most adventurous can try to build from sources, using our well known AquaBuild wiki page ( soon, we expect to reach 30,000 reads :-).

If you see something wrong, or not clear, or even not optimized, feel free to login, and fix it : that's exactly what did Johan Henselmans two days ago ! Thanks Johan :-)

Libellés : ,

jeudi, juin 21, 2007

Air France et les bagages de ses clients

Sorry French ... ( pas d'accentuation )

WWDC 2007, suite.

- Bagage egare a l'aller, le samedi 9 Juin, livre à l'hotel dans la nuit du 10 au 11 juin
- Bagage egare au retour. (il serait "bloque" a Amsterdam )

Declaration faite au service bagages, le dimanche 17 juin à 23h19, aeroport de Mulhouse

Marque comme retrouve, et en attente de confirmation (??) d'apres le tracker le mardi a 19h.

Indication : ce bagage porte une etiquette avec mon nom et mon adresse dessus.

Conformement a ce qui est marque sur le site d'Air France ( rubrique -> Information et Service ->Relation clientele -> Incidents Bagage ) , je n'ai normalement pas de demarche supplementaire a effectuer.

Or, on me demande encore de remplir une fiche d'inventaire, qui n'aurait du etre remplie que si le retard depassait 48h. Ce document est long a remplir, et tres intrusif.

Comme je refuse de remplir ce document, parce que j'en ai assez de subir Air France, on refuse de m'en dire plus sur mon bagage.

Je precise encore que nous sommes le 21 Juin, et qu'il y a moins de 5 jours le dossier a ete cree.

Si quelqu'un d'Air France lit, je precise que mon bagage contient :

- un sac Disney, provenant de la boutique du meme nom a San Francisco, contenant des cadeaux pour mes enfants
- un sac pour ordinateur portable noir, marque WWDC07 , contenant un Tshirt noir, lui aussi estampille WWDC2007
- une trousse de toilette Basic rouge, contenant, entre autres, un atomiseur Azzaro presque plein
- un porte monnaie Lancel bleu, appartenant a ma femme, et contenant de l'argent (en euros)
- un livre, editions O'Reilly " programmation C++ par la pratique", avec mon nom dedans
(+ tout le reste)

Dernier point, mais pas le moindre, il y a aussi un dossier en papier craft, qui contient des documents a mon nom.

La probablilite de trouver un sac contenant tout ceci, avec une etiquette avec mes noms et adresses, et appartenant a quelqu'un d'autre est tellement faible, que je suggere de croire que c'est le mien.

Excede, je suis en train de me renseigner sur mes droits, et je pense engager des poursuites.

Libellés :

mercredi, juin 20, 2007

WWDC 07 Part 2

From WWDC07, the big marketing announce was "64 bits ready", and developers will pay the price of what Apple Marketing decided ...

Even if a lot of applications won't see any improvement, people will ask to have applications "64 bits ready", else nothing

Carbon won't be 64bits. At least the part of the API we use in current Aqua port. Indeed, current Aqua port of uses HIToolbox ( HITheme, Appearance ..etc). the main effort is concentrated into vcl module.

For salframe, we use Carbon WindowRef and a lot of Carbon things. About events, we use CarbonEvents, and because of the old model used by, we use WaitNextEvent() and all. A big issue was to find a way to use RunApplicationEventLoop(). We asked our RAEL() implementation to be expertised, and things looks ok, from Apple engineers point of view.

Some other parts will be 64 bits anyway (Carbon Events should be 64 bits without last minute change).

The immediate consequence is Mac OS X port must start to think Carbon replacement using Cocoa.

As good example, Damien started soem Cocoa cursors implementation. We'll document generously, as starting point. About something different, it's question of replace HIView using NSView too. We'll see.

But not now : Indeed, 64 bits Intel on Mac OS X port is a new port. It means we need to rewrite a new bridge, using Apple 64bits ABI for Intel procs, and a lot of changes like for Linux AMD64 port ... and we first will complete Aqua port ( without X11), and provide a working Mac application

Could be a 2 years or more plan.

Where in the code ?

- for everything graphical- probably for text ( using CoreText instead of ATSUI, but hard discussions are in progress, and nobody knows, e.g. since Core Text cannot yet do everything ATSUI does ... ). Why change from ATSUI : not well integrated with other frameworks, preformance is difficult to optimize, not available for 64 bits.
- new bridge
- co-lateral changes ( sal probably )
- svx
- framework maybe

Current Mac OS X port plan is :

1) Make it work first : provide a Mac application, not using X11, and having everything working.

Means :
1.1 integrate aquavcl01
1.2 integrate aquafilepicker01
+ see recent changelog

1.3) provide regular builds of Aqua version

1.4) start QA for aqua as soon as possible ( see FOSDEM presentation )

Yet missing in aquavcl01 :
- drag and drop ( Tino already started )
- native printing ( Yvan Barthelemy and Philipp Lohmann )
- native spellchecker ( nobody afaik )
- Mac Address Book ( Omer Bar Or + Florian Heckl )
- Aqua Look ( Ismael Merzaq , Eric Bachard )

Spotlight plugin integration is delayed, because of - Mox will confirm- legal issues. See : Violation of external policy for NeoLight source code

To be confirmed :
- complete Mac OS X shortcuts

Later :
- implement native sound player (using QTKit)
- Implement Image acquisition
- use the Mac OS X key chain for document signing
Problematic : ALT key , and accelerators (will be discussed during next meeting)

2) Start Cocoa implementation, using e.g. aquavcl02 cws

To help us, Pierre Chatelier, C++ and Cocoa expert, contacted me recently, to announce he translated his C++ -> Cocoa guide (english and french versions available) .

This is a very interesting document, and I'd suggest to all mac porters to discover it.

3) Redesign our UI

We had an appointment in User Interface labs, and we found a lot of issues with our interface.

- the wizard at first launch needs a lot of work
- we don't respect a lot of elementary rules a real Mac application should
- (a lot to be discussed)

-> Todo : invite UX people to debate a lot of issues. From last year, I remember John told me "a menu should propose what you need NOW", not a bunch of useless things, the user doesn't even understand the role.

-> 20% visible / 80% hidden (means for specialist )

-> from general to specific

Last but not least: not quit when closing the last window ...

Consequence : deep changes are probably mandatory in source code. Maybe this is the first time we ask to go as far ...

The good point is all ports will benefit such changes, not only the Mac port.

Some answers from WWDC to the questions about code :

1) Timers: Current code is obsolete, and compatibility with Leopard won't probably exist. Pavel wrote a patch using recent code ( see issue 75228).
Seems to work fine, excepted a thread issue (crash not easy to be reproduced, and I never could repoduce it btw)
Directly discussed the point with Philipp, who commited the code. Two instant crashes seems to have vanished since ( issues 77547 and 78129 )

2) Questions from pavel
Does Apple have a plan to enable UI drawing from threads different from the first one?
Does Apple have a plan to allow java to be run from other threads as well?
For both, the answer is no : what I have understood from Apple engineers is : they have to be in the main thread, because they are not thread safe, and things won't change because this is one Mac OS X foundation to work like that.

3) fix all our busy paint places
One more time discussed with Philipp : problems comes from Windows "model" we use to paint. Work in progress.

4) was HIThemeTabDrawInfo question ( or Ismael )
Version must be 1 ( old was 0 ).
Pb displaying the tabs : we have to ask in common part which tab is the first one, and which one is the last one, to paint borders properly.
Todo : add code in common part + implement
Other tip : use kHIThemeTabKindNormal only (other are not advised) [ possible cases are kHIThemeTabPositionFirst, kHIThemeTabPositionLast, kHIThemeTabPositionMiddle, kHIThemeTabPositionOnly ]

5) About XCode and dot in the binary name
Apple engineers confirmed this is a bug -> we have to file an issue

P.S. : they were very interested reading our wiki pages about XCode use.

6) I had a question about HIThemeScrollbarTrackDrawInfo, using ScrollbarInfo instead of HScrollbarInfo ( I need to retrieve ThumbREct in the srollbar).

Unfortunaly, this issue will never be fixed :-/

We forgot to ask about printing, but Philipp told me he had enough infos. I'll trust him :-)

Libellés : ,

noooxml petition

Just signed the no ooxml petition

Feel free to add your name ;-)

Mac OS X port, Carbon and 64bits Technology (before WWDC07 part 2)

Because Apple itself seems to confuse a lot of people, better start with official links instead of feed the Troll :)

1) Seen on Leopard Overview

"First implemented at the UNIX level in Tiger, Leopard brings complete 64-bit support to all of Mac OS X's (tm) application frameworks. Using either the Carbon or Cocoa frameworks, you can create applications that can address extremely large data sets, up to 128TB using the current Intel-based CPUs. The 64-bit model used in Mac OS X is known as LP64 and is the same model used by other 64-bit UNIX systems from Sun and SGI as well as 64-bit Linux."

2) Apple page about 64 bits Technology ( Marketing )

64 Bits Technology>

3) The "Best of" from Carbon-dev mailing list
( I'll contact Deric Horn, we met during WWDC with Philipp )

Best of Carbon-dev

Now we have enough informations to present part 2 (Technical part ) of WWDC 2007 report

To be continued ...

Libellés : ,

lundi, juin 18, 2007

Back from WWDC 2007 / Part 1 : agenda

Still no bagages .. :-/

Back from WWDC 2007 ( San Francisco California ). Arrived on saturday night.

3 attendees represented Mac OS X port of project : Sebastien Plisson, Philipp Lohmann, Eric Bachard

On sunday afternoon, I met Philipp and Sebastien for the first time.
We discussed a lot, and finally, we worked/discussed a bit ( 3 hours .. ) about the Mac port :-)

But I won't forgot to mention I was very pleased to meet Johann Henselmann for true. Unfortunaly, I was so tired I couldn't follow him and Sebastien in San Francisco nights :)

Of course, we met a lot of other people, and discussed a lot with them. More kind, I even installed the last version of Aqua on demand several times in the week.

The feedback we received from other people was very positive for the Mac port. Of course the first development snapshot was not perfect, but people encouraged us : this is true, an aqua version really exists, and works. More on part 2.

During the week, we had conferences, and Labs with Apple engineers. The hotel was nice (wifi for free !! ), and very close to the Moscone Center. Always nice to walk for attending.

The Agenda was :

Monday 11th June : Keynote (morning), and introduction conference.

Glad to see John Karmack for true. The other parts of the keynote were more "marketing" (IMHO)

The most important point of the day was : no 64 bits for Carbon. This means Carbon will probably be binary compatible for 10.5, and deprecated for 10.6. Waiting for more infos, I'll comment more in the part 2.

Mess wit Sebastien and Johann for the dinner. We tried to find a restaurant with Philipp, but was too late. Was hamburgers and fries ..

Tuesday 12th June : conferences for Sebastien, Philipp and me

Nothing too important in the confs. Dinner with frenchies, Sanraku Restaurant, 704 Sutter street (yes, the name is the good one ;-) )

Philipp tested Japanese food :-) Return to the hotel, tested some code for Window background. Sent the patch to Ismael for his Googl SoC.

Wednesday 13th June First Lab with John Geleynse postponed to Thursday afternoon. We decided to assist some confs, and later, continued to work for code with Philipp.

Restaurant with Johann, Sebastien and Philipp. Good wine.

Thursday 14th June

Because of the appointments, no confs : all the day on Labs.

first appointment : Deric Horn / David Mc Leod and another. 1h30 to ask questions and discuss.

After the lunch, we assisted some conf, and then prepared the second appointment, with John Geleynse.
Very constructive discussion, we learned a lot with John, about all the work we have to do before to reach Apple Software level of quality.

Dinner : was the bash. To avoid hours of buses, and spare time, the bash was not organized in Cuppertino, but close to the Moscone Center, in a park. Lot of music, noise and food. I met other frenchies ( Jacques Foucry , Dominique Baillon and Franck Lefevre).

We finally preferred Marriot bar ... more quiet before to return at the hotel.

Friday 15th June

Other labs, and questions XCode, thread issues and HI* issues.
Last appointment with Ernest Prabahkar, during the lunch (more easy for all).

Continued with weekly IRC meeting

Friday afternoon : annoying conferences + a bit tired -> at hotel at 5h30 pm

Saturday 16th June Time to return

Thanks to all the donators, Cusoon, project and Apple for the help we received to make it true, and Christian Hardy, Cusoon treasurer for all his time

To come : part 2, technical analyse about the benefit of WWDC for Mac OS X port.

Libellés : , ,

Lost my bagages (again)

The return from San Francisco was a nightmare :

Thanks to United Airlines to have made me miss my connection : > 1h of late for San Francisco Los Angeles. Simple : the late was more important than the travel itself. Of course, no excuse, no explanation.

...and thanks to United Airlines and Air France to have lost my bagage again : all didn't their job correctly, and are 50% / 50% involved.

Yes, they did it again :((

At least, after a 26 hours travel with all flies modified, I'm at home... ( uff )

I'll continue later about WWDC 2007

Libellés :

dimanche, juin 10, 2007

WWDC Day -1

Well arrived in San Francisco. Yesterday evening exactly. Just a little jet lag effect (I prepared this year) ... excepted my bagages : thanks to Air France losing my bagages ... what a great surprise, after 17 hours of travel ... no more clothes , camera .. some books too were in the bag, like shoes for footing ..etc. Pleasant.

Not alone in fact, and they are some problems with bagages : One hour to wait filling in the report.

-joking- like cvs stamps, they disappear from time to time. Expecting they will retrieve everything and ship it at hotel today ( one can dream .. )

Anyway, thanks to Christy, from San Francisco International Airport, for the great "survey kit" she provided me.

About the Hotel : room is fine, but breakfast ridiculous and expensive, like a lot of things in SF (mainly foos is costly). German people will stay hungry ^^.

Brr what a food ... american people ignore what bread and coffee are. Yet one week to wait before to eat something correct.

Got my badge now. Free time today.

Libellés :

vendredi, juin 08, 2007

aquavcl01 resync'ed with m214 : the new chart is now included in aqua build :)

Herbert added a great change : the UI uses system fonts. Seems insightfull, but it is not !

See AquaBuild wiki pageif you want to build the aqua version.

Libellés : ,

WWDC 2007 will start on monday.

Philipp Lohmann, Sebastien Plisson and me will represent Mac OS X port for project.

See you !!

Libellés : , ,

lundi, juin 04, 2007

Aqua : development snapshot available for download

A development snapshot of native for Mac OS X is available, and can be freely tested (see below for download URL).

=> X11 is not needed anymore : just drop the icon whereever you want, click and go to test it.


- there is no support for this software, and you will use it at your own risks
- *Do* a backup of your data before you start using this software in order to prevent data loss and crashes that may occure


Drag and Drop does not work
Native controls are not yet fully implemented
Copy paste, Native printing do not work

Some crashes may occur quitting the application
Multi monitoring support is not yet implemented
Text entry in Writer does not work completelly
Other features and/or crashes can occur


For a complete list of issues see : Aqua Issues list

Thank you for providing feedback about issues and problems you encountered *AFTER* you've verified that they don't already exist.

Archives are available in 4 locales (fr, de, en-US et ja), for both Intel and PowerPC architectures.

URL (classical download )

URL (bittorrent )

(thanks to read carefully the filename to be downloaded)

Many thanks to all the Mac porters and contributers that made this release possible

Libellés : ,

samedi, juin 02, 2007

Top 10 of issues : a big progress

I could not attend the last IRC meeting ( because I had to attend 24h of computing of Maubeuge) but I was pretty sure something important happened in the afternoon :

After lot of hours tracing, Herbert Duerr finally discovered why vcl build with debug enabled crashed : was a bad TARGET_CARBON check.
For more informations, see : issue 72248

Sometimes, they are a lot of hours spent to trace, search what could happen, hack boost ..etc, and the result, even not visible by end user, is really helpfull to the project.

Thanks Herbert !

Libellés : ,