Android Port ?

I read ( there ) " " didn't care about the Android port of
Nobody answered, so as developer, and to proof the opposite, and supposing it is possible, I proposed to start the port.
The idea will be to work with student, golden rule of the Education Project. This means a new project will be proposed in the frame of the "Effort".
(see : The Education Project Effort)
[update 1]
Follow up of the discussion on the french mailing lists (discuss and dev), what we know :
- Androïd is a phone dedicated version for mobiles : little screen, not made for an UI like OOo does provide
- critical values for hardware : how many RAM, CPU frequency .. an so on
- (investigating)
[update 2] : after further investigations, I now know this is not possible to port on Android, "as it". Android is Java and even if there is an NDK (N for native), an application entirely written in C++ will not work. Nevertheless, this is an intersting idea to analyze what can be done. Strange to discover an application owned by Sun / Oracle cannot run in something invented by the same company. But maybe I missed something. Will continue to search anyway, because I'd like to understand why Google forces people to use Java only.
Thanks in advance for any feedback, and why not, explain us what we missed.
Education Project on the wiki blog (french)
OOo4Kids Project
Many thanks to Ben Bois , author of the EducOOo logo, dedicated to the Education Project
Libellés : Android, Education Project, mobile, OOo4Kids, porting
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