dimanche, mars 30, 2008

Playing with starmath ...

I have read somewhere one people was not able to use OpenOffice.org Equation Editor .. for some reason.

I couldn't resist to give it a try and verify by myself. See the (partial) result :

The result

For the one interested, the sources are here :
.odt file containing the equations

There is a work in progress to improve starmath. See Education Project Effort applications

mercredi, mars 26, 2008

Experimental : local contact and Education Project

Last friday, I had a rendez vous with UTBM Communication Dept people.

The idea was: how talk about Open Source initiatives like OpenOffice.org Education Project, to show they are good for the school itself.

The starting point is, UTBM employees (that's true for other schools of course), are unaware of Education Project existence, what exactly OpenOffice.org Project is, what is going on, and/or what has been done (means inside the school), or who contact, where find information ... etc.

Under the conditions the content does concern Education Project, has a pedagogical interest, and/or does concern UTBM, I'll be able to propose two types of news.

Every article will be 4 or 5 lines max + links, and can be refused if ever the content does not conform to UTBM chart.

The first type does concern Internal communication. e.g. talk about a coming event like 13eme Rencontres de l'Orme ( Marseille, France 1-3 April ), where I'll talk about my contributions since several for free software ( Linux room of 15 machines, Maxima, OpenOffice.org ) , representing UTBM and the interactions with my courses.

The second one is about External Communication, means here an electronic newspaper, who does concern a group of schools, and more, like some companies (to be confirmed).

Again, only Pedagogical information are awaited. No pub nor propaganda will be accepted, but existing actions, involving people and resources.

e.g. a description of the Education Project Effort (if ever I can find enough volunteers ) is a good candidate ;-)

I hope this will give ideas to other schools, and if you have other ideas/actions ..etc, please suggest them at dev@education project mailing list :-)

=> Education Project on the Wiki

Libellés : ,

mardi, mars 18, 2008

WWDC 2008 Call for donation

WWDC 2008 is an extremely important event for Mac OS X developers. It takes place from 9. until 13. of June in Moscone Center, San Francisco.

Mac OS X porting project received help, and developers will attend.

Golden Gate Bridge

Photo: Simon Lopez, 2006

If you want to help the Mac OS X porting Team, you can donate.

OOo D. e.V. is willing to coordinate donations for Mac Porting on their account. Important thing is that the money is explicitly dedicated to "MacPorting" - not more (no "travel money" or "For WWDC" or something else).

So anybody has to write explicitly "For MacPorting" on the Money transfer form or we will not get it.

German donators even can get a "Spendenbescheinigung" so they must not pay taxes on the amount donated.

Account information:
Recipient: OpenOffice.org Deutschland e.V.
Bank: Sparkasse Rhein-Haardt
For transfers from Germany:
BLZ: 546 512 40
Kto-Nr: 96 09 71
For international transfers:
IBAN: DE18 5465 1240 0000 9609 71

See OOoDev.org/spenden
On this page there is also a PayPal-Button for donations - then "Article" has to be "MacPorting".

Other nice photos, all from WWDC 2006, by courtesy of Simon Lopez.

Market street, direction of Bay Bridge

Extremity of Market Street, close to Bay Bridge

Market street, direction of Bay Bridge

Visual Basic Square ( place name to be verified ;-) )

For any photos use, please contact Simon Lopez

Strange, I don't see OpenOffice.org listed in Mentoring organizations participating in google summer of code 2008

Well, this is a bad news, but why not contribute for Community Innovation Program instead ?

More precisely, why not create a Team, including students, and developers, and solve issues or implement new code based on Education Project Effort (or other development, if you have proposals).

... and finally submit an entry for the challenge ?

=> I invite anybody interested to contact me !!

samedi, mars 15, 2008

I couldn't resist ...

.. to show the new feature on OpenOffice.org Aqua ( future 3.0) too, when I read Franck Meies blog entry.

New Zoom in Aqua version too

Many thanks to all the devs who made this possible !

Note: all logos in the screenshot above have been gracefully made by Ben Bois.Author : Ben Bois

Websites : lamouette (French)
and pro-portfolio

mardi, mars 11, 2008

Go-OOCon, see Prague and meet hackers

I finally decided to attend Go-OOCon.

Plane is booked, yet the accomodations to be solved. I'm discussing with Schaun to see whether we can share something. Last but not least, the Metro map is printed.

Glad to attend Prague, and to meet Novell guys who kindly invited us + other hackers who probably will join.

vendredi, mars 07, 2008

LGPL V3 & OpenOffice.org

No need to comment more the announce , but from my side, I'd prefer GPL for OpenOffice.org.

And yes, JCA su... , and should simply be removed a day. ( BTW, why introduce another monster aka SCA to replace it ? )

LGPL does not allow to use GPL code. The point alone shouldn't be a problem, because developers sometimes don't care and share the code.

But in fact it is (a problem), e.g. It is even very easy to imagine GPL project(s) using all OpenOffice.org source code, never reversing anything and even whorst if affinity ...

There are several cases of such unfair behaviour existing.

Long time ago, I discussed a bit the point "why isn't it possible to use GPL for OpenOffice.org ?" with other devs on IRC, and one explained me some 3rd party tools in OpenOffice.org are mandatory, because not shipped on some OS. Provide two packages for the installation e.g. was not an option .. etc.

I proposed to start searching solutions and removing those dependencies, but I never received any answer. Just because no answer didn't satisfy me, I continue to search since, and I expect to have a complete view of the problem ... a day :-)

jeudi, mars 06, 2008

Education Project Effort : Image Capture

Glad to welcome two new devs who joined OpenOffice.org through the Education Project effort. Both will contribute to the code, mainly for Mac OS X aqua port.

Valentin Janiaut from France, alias valeuf on IRC, is student at UTBM ).

Jason Stephenson ( Cocoa developer), alias Dyrcona on IRC from the USA, Massachusetts.

Valentin will help until june. He is more beginner than Jason, but both have a great motivation, and that's very nice to work together. They will help for the Image Capture implementation(for scanners only) in OpenOffice.org Aqua.

samedi, mars 01, 2008

QuickLook on Leopard and OpenOffice.org

This is an awaited feature on Leopard ( i.e. Mac OS X 10.5 ) for Aqua version of OpenOffice.org. But there is no magic, and this is work in progress.

How does it work ? Just select a file, and hit space bar => a preview of your document does appear.

You want to see it in full screen ? just click expand. Close the preview ? escape it ..

Florian Heckl wrote a cws ( quicklookplugin01 ) and I played with the plugin yesterday evening.

First point. what does plugin mean ? Here, it's question of a little bundle, dealing with Mac OS X. Nothing to do for you. This is theory, because I faced several problems to make it work .. a bit.

First, Apple documentation says " the first place it will be searched is the bundle of the running application ".

Well ... I never could get it working, OpenOffice.org launched or not.

Luckily (what else with closed sources features ? ) all other places like ~/Library/QuickLook work.

Then, for some file formats, I could test. What I don't understand (maybe the cws has still some work to be done), is why it works using command line, and not in "direct" for all format files.

FYI, the magic command is qlmanage . See man qlmanage (needs Xcode to be installed) for further information.

qlmanage -r # to reset the detected plugins list
qlmanage -m # creates a new one

... and if you want to make the preview of say an .sxi file , just do :

qlmanage -r

Followed by (in one line) :

qlmanage -c org.oasis-open.document.text -p /path_to_the_file/finelame.sxi

Working extensions were .sxw , .sxi , .odt .sxc , .ods ( other are still untested by me).

As you can see, there is something odd : Apple modified org.oasis.opendocument.text in org.oasis-open.document.text. Else no way to make it work. Was it because TextEdit does either do preview of .odt itself, and to avoid a clash, Apple modified the file format name? No idea in fact, but at the occasion, I'll ask Apple people.

The current workaround is to insert a twice entry. And it seems to work. For the curious, you can have a look at the current list of available formats for preview there

I have read all the code in the cws, and if I'm not wrong, I think there is something possible, but I'll ask Florian first (he did everything).

If you want to test by yourself, I put an archive (INTEL only ) of the QuickLook plugin, and working with Aqua version there

Suggestions are welcome :)