mardi, novembre 18, 2008

[Mac OS X] experimental PowerPC and Intel builds need feedback

Please note : not for production, backup your datas, save your prefs *before*... ...

For the adventurous, I do provide advanced, experimental builds for both PowerPC and Intel, here : URL of Laurent site ( I can provide german on demand )

Those builds are based on DEV300_m35 + ogltrans4mac + macmenusquit + appleremote02 cws's

* ogltrans4mac cws means, OpenGL transitions are inside, and work
* macmenusquit cws aims to removes useless "Quit" entries in all applications ( Calc, Writer .. and so on)
* appleremote02 is a new apple remote implementation

And if you want to improve the chance to see such changes in the future 3.1, I really need feedback : thanks in advance for any ... !!

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