vendredi, janvier 16, 2009

Nokia offers an LGPL license option for Qt 4.5

Eric Bischoff posted an awesome news this afternoon, on mailing list (read this mail ).

The good news is there is now a modern C++, easy to program with, and -the most important- multiplatform API. Eric suggested to replace the old vcl module (in OOo sources tree) using it.

But is it a possible task ?

To have myself worked a lot in vcl, for the Aqua port, I think at least the widget part could be ok, but not everything. No idea either about fonts, outDevices, and other important parts vcl does manage. Need more time for thinking to that more deeply.

After some mails exchanged (see this mail), Malte Timmermann noticed, there is a big issue : what about accessibility implication on different platforms ? In fact, nobody knows exactly, and I myself need to have a look at the existing API, and what is under LGPL exactly. And we are friday :-)

Original link from : Heise online

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